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At Lakewood Middle I observed Ms. Norris's 8th Grade Math classes and I loved it. The students were great! While there was still some that were a little behind, they completely allowed me in to help and teach them. I learned a lot from Ms. Norris and how to teach out of the book. I wasn't really used to that because at BVN I taught what I thought they should know, there wasn't really a book to go off of. This was a different experiance for me and it was very enjoyable. Everyone was inviting and nice to me. 

Lakewood Middle School


During the semester everyone in the class had the ability to go on three observation periods. These were ment to actually get us in the classroom which ultimately helps us decide if we really want to be teachers and what grade level we should teach if we do decide to be teachers. The following are the three I went on in order.

Blue Valley North

This was my first observation and it was a special one. Most of the students just went to there first observations and watched for two weeks. With the help of Mr. Nelson the Civil Engineering & Architecture teacher at CAPS (the class I took last year) I was set up to go right in and teach kids Revit a BIM software to create structures. I had to quickly made up an outline on what I should teach and within one week I was teaching my first class. It was really fun. At the first the students wern't exactly sure what to do with me since I was only a few years older than them but eventually they got comfortable and allowed me in to guide them on what is the best ideas in their house designs. It was a really cool experiance since I pretty much had the ability to teach exactly how I wanted.

For my last observation period I went to Olathe South High School and helped Ms. Curtis with her Implied Algebra class. It was a different experience for me being it was out of the school district but that was the purpose. It was much more diverse than the Blue Valley school I went to. I enjoyed my time there and would love to go back if given the opportunity. 


Sunset Ridge Elementary

At the following schools is where I did my internship period. These are a little different than the observations because they are for 6-9 week periods. We do more teaching and being apart of the learning than just sitting and watching. We have to go to teacher meetings and do principal interviews. These are more like the college experience. I enjoyed these.

At Sunset Ridge I taught 4th Grade. Ms. Hellman was my corresponding teacher. She was amaing and I had a great experience. It was easily one of my favorite times being in the classrooms. I wouldn't mind teaching 4th grade at all. All the students were great and I love that age group. I taught the science part of the day. We learned the water cycle, air masses, and sound.

Lakewood Middle School

For my second internship period I went to Lakewood Middle School again but taught 6th grade this time. I like it but not quite as much as I liked the sophomores at BVN or the 4th graders at SRE. It is nice that they treat me with respect though. some of the students are not very good but that's good for me to be put in that type of situation. That age group is a very difficult age and I'm glad I did it though.

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